What is the Impact of Paper files on HR

There are many companies that still use Paper based HR files and forms. Based on recent surveys it was found that more than 65% of companies with 50 or more staff still use paper-based HR practices. The move to a paperless business is important, and today’s companies are focusing on a paperless environment. HR should not be any different.

The 4th Industrial revolution is here, and so is Cloud based systems and processes. Not moving your business processes to the cloud is a mistake, and even more so for your HR processes.

After a Recent survey in the United Kingdom with companies of 50 employees and up, it was found that 41% of HR staff spent up to 10 minutes per day looking for HR related paperwork. Of these participants more than 50% of them said that they spend more than 20 min per day! If we had to translate this to hours per month, you find that they lose as much as 1 full day of productivity.

The question you need to ask yourself, is your business willing to pay for the inefficiencies. What is it costing you to run a paper-based HR department? If you have a few HR administrators, and each of them are wasting 8 hours a month on finding paperwork, it might just not be worth it.

See how HRSimplified can help you have a Paperless HR practice in just 5 minutes. Read more about our Paperless HR

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