Adding and Managing Employee Medical Aid Information in HRSimplified

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Adding and Managing Employee Medical Aid Information in HRSimplified

1 min read

HRSimplified has introduced a feature that allows HR to store details of employee medical aid schemes directly in their profiles. This functionality is found under the Emergency Details section, providing a centralized place for both emergency contacts and medical aid information.

This ensures accurate records of employee benefits and streamlines data management for HR professionals.

Storing medical aid details for Employees in the HRSimplified system.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Employee Record:
    • Go to HR Administration > All Employees.
    • Select the employee whose medical aid information you wish to add or update.
  2. Access the Emergency Details Tab:
    • On the employee’s profile, click the Emergency Details tab.
    • Under this tab, you will find the Medical Cover section.
  3. Add Medical Aid Information:
    • Click the + Create button to open the Create Medical Cover form.
    • Complete the required fields:
      • Medical Scheme: Choose the scheme from the drop-down list.
      • Plan Name: Enter the plan name (e.g., Classic Core).
      • Membership Number: Enter the employee’s membership number.
      • Amount: Specify the monthly contribution.
      • Dependents: Indicate the number of dependents covered.
      • Start Date and End Date: Provide the coverage period.
  4. Save the Details:
    • Once all fields are completed, click Save.
    • The medical aid information will appear in the Medical Cover table under the Emergency Details tab.
  5. Requesting a New Medical Aid Scheme:
    • If the medical aid scheme you need is not available in the Medical Scheme drop-down list, contact HRSimplified Support to request it be added.

Important Notes:

  • Updates or deletions to existing records can be made through the Actions menu next to the entry.
  • Keeping medical aid information up-to-date ensures smooth reporting and helps in maintaining accurate benefit records.