How Employees Apply for Internal Vacancies

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How Employees Apply for Internal Vacancies

1 min read

HRSimplified offers a separate process for handling internal vacancies through the Vacancies menu. This allows current employees to view open positions within the company and apply directly. The process for internal candidates differs from external candidates and includes automatic promotion requests instead of job offers.

HRSimplified Promotion approval screen showing a list of awaiting approvals for internal employees for updating.

Steps to Apply for Internal Vacancies: #

1. Access the Vacancies Menu #

  • Log in to HRSimplified and navigate to the Recruitment Module.
  • Under the Recruitment section, click on the Vacancies menu. This will display a list of open positions available for internal employees.

2. View and Apply for an Open Vacancy #

  • Employees can browse through the list of open positions. If interested, simply click the Apply button next to the desired job posting.
  • Unlike external candidates, employees do not need to provide additional documents (such as resumes or certificates) because their information is already stored in the system.

Managing Internal Employee Applications: #

1. Separate Tab for Internal Employees #

  • On the job posting screen, where applicants are listed, there are two tabs:
    • External Candidates: Contains the list of external applicants.
    • Internal Employees: Displays the internal employees who have applied for the position. This ensures internal applications are handled separately.

2. Internal Process Simplifications #

  • No Document Uploads: Since the system already stores employee documents, the option to request additional documents is disabled for internal applicants.
  • No Questions: Standard application questions that are typically asked of external candidates are omitted for internal candidates, as internal communication can handle these queries.

Handling Internal Promotions: #

1. Processing Internal Employee Applications #

  • Once an internal employee is selected for the position, the process differs from external candidates. Instead of making a formal job offer, the system triggers a Promotion Request.
  • The internal employee’s current role and job title will be updated as part of this process.

2. Promotion Request Approval #

  • The promotion request moves to the Workflows → Approvals → Promotion Approvals section for review by HR or managers.
  • HR executives or designated approvers will review and approve the promotion request in this section.

3. Employee Record Updates #

  • After the promotion request is approved, the employee’s:
    • Job title
    • Salary
    • Other employment details will be updated automatically in the system.
  • Additionally, a work history movement report is generated, documenting the employee’s promotion or role change.

Important Notes: #

  • Separate Internal/External Pipelines: Internal applicants are handled in a separate pipeline from external candidates, ensuring HR can manage both processes efficiently.
  • Automated Promotions: The system simplifies the process by automatically updating employee records after promotion approvals, removing the need for manual data entry.