How to Create a Job Offer

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How to Create a Job Offer

1 min read

In HRSimplified, once a candidate has successfully gone through the interview process, the next step is to extend a formal job offer. This guide walks you through how to generate a job offer, set signatories, and manage the offer approval process within the system.

Creating a offer letter in HRSimplified for a new Candidate that has been picked.

Steps to Make a Job Offer: #

1. Navigate to the Recruitment Module #

  • Log in to HRSimplified and access the Recruitment Module from the main menu.
  • Select Job Postings and navigate to the job listing where the candidate has applied.

2. Select the Candidate #

  • Under the View Applicants section of the job posting, locate the candidate you want to make an offer to.
  • Click on their profile and choose the action Make Offer from the Modal.

3. Configure the Job Offer #

  • A new modal window will open where you can configure the details of the job offer. This includes:
    • Position: Confirm the job title and other essential details.
    • Salary and Benefits: Enter the offered salary, benefits, and other compensation details.
    • Start Date: Set the expected start date for the candidate.
    • Other details: Manager, etc

4. Select Signatories #

  • You can assign up to two signatories who need to approve and sign the job offer before it is sent to the candidate.
    • This could include an HR manager, department head, or an executive, depending on your company’s approval process.
  • Signatories will receive a notification to review and sign the offer letter once it’s generated.

Managing the Offer Approval Workflow: #

1. Offer Approval Process #

  • After you’ve created the offer, it will move into the Job Offer Approvals workflow under the WorkflowsApprovals section in HRSimplified.
  • The designated signatories will receive a dashboard notification under the Offer Letter button and via email, prompting them to review and sign the offer letter.

2. Sign the Offer Letter #

  • Signatories can log into the system and review the offer details. If everything is correct, they can sign the offer letter electronically, which will then move the offer to the next signatory if there are multiple approvals required.

Sending the Offer to the Candidate: #

1. Candidate Receives the Offer #

  • Once the internal signatories have signed off, the system will automatically send the offer letter to the candidate via email. The email contains a link directing the candidate to the Candidate Portal.

2. Candidate Views and Signs the Offer Letter #

  • In the Candidate Portal, the candidate can view the job offer and either accept or reject the offer.
  • If they accept, they will electronically sign the offer letter, which completes the offer process.

Important Notes: #

  • Offer Letter Tracking: All job offers (whether pending, accepted, or rejected) can be tracked under the Recruitment → Offers menu. This helps HR and managers monitor the status of offers in real-time.
  • Internal and External Signatures: The system allows internal signatures from company executives and external signatures from candidates, streamlining the approval process.