How to Update Employee Email Addresses After a Company Change

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How to Update Employee Email Addresses After a Company Change

1 min read

When a company undergoes a change, such as an acquisition, employees may receive new company email addresses. In HRSimplified, this means their login details and recovery options may need updating to match the new email domain. This guide will show HR executives and administrators how to update employee email addresses and restore access for affected users.

Activating an Employees username or access to the HRSimplified system
Activating an Employees username or access to the HRSimplified system

Scenario #

If employees’ email addresses change due to a company acquisition, they may be unable to reset their passwords, as password recovery emails will be sent to their old, now-inaccessible addresses. To resolve this, HR administrators can update each employee’s email and resend login credentials.

Step-by-Step Solution #

1. Remove Existing Access #

  1. Navigate to the Employee Profile:
    • Go to HR Administration > All Employees and select the employee whose email needs updating.
  2. Go to Employment Information:
    • Under the Employee tab, open the Employment Information sub-tab.
  3. Disable the Generate User Login Option:
    • Toggle the Generate User Login switch to off. This action will remove the current login credentials tied to the old email.
  4. Save the Profile:
    • Click Update to save these changes, effectively removing the employee’s access.

2. Update the Employee’s Email Address #

  1. Go to Contact Information:
    • In the employee profile, navigate to the Contact Information tab.
  2. Update the Email Address:
    • Enter the employee’s new email address (e.g., from the new company domain) and save the changes. This new email will be used as the employee’s username.

3. Re-enable Access with the New Email Address #

  1. Return to Employment Information:
    • Go back to the Employment Information sub-tab.
  2. Enable Generate User Login:
    • Toggle the Generate User Login switch to on. The new email address will appear as the username.
  3. Assign the Appropriate User Role:
    • Select the correct User Type based on the employee’s access needs.
  4. Save the Profile:
    • Click Update to finalize the changes. HRSimplified will send a new welcome email to the employee’s updated email address, containing login details and a link to the login page.

Important Notes #

  • Unique Email Requirement: Each email address must be unique in HRSimplified. Ensure that the new email address is not already associated with another user account.
  • Testing Access: After updating, it’s a good idea to verify with the employee that they received the welcome email and can log in with their new email address.
  • Password Recovery: Employees can now use their new email for password recovery, ensuring they’ll receive reset emails if needed in the future.

Quick Tip for HR Executives #

In scenarios where multiple employees need email updates due to a domain change, follow these steps for each profile. The process ensures that every employee receives updated login credentials tied to their new email address, minimizing disruption during the transition.